When Marriage Becomes Friendship

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When Marriage Becomes Friendship – When my husband and I first got married, we were so in love. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other and we spent every waking moment together. But over time, that passionate love turned into a deep friendship.

And while our marriage is still strong, it’s not the same as it once was. Some people might think that when a marriage becomes more like a friendship, it’s a bad thing. But I disagree.

I think it’s actually a good thing. When you’re friends with your spouse, you can be yourself around them. You don’t have to put on a show or pretend to be someone you’re not.

And that level of comfort and trust is what ultimately strengthens a marriage.

It’s not uncommon for marriages to change over time. As you and your spouse grow and change as individuals, your relationship will inevitably evolve. In some cases, marriage can become more like friendship.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Marriage is built on love and trust, so if your relationship has shifted to one of friendship, it likely means you’ve developed a strong bond of mutual respect. You know each other well and can rely on each other for support, even if you’re not romantically involved.

Of course, every marriage is different, so it’s important to communicate with your spouse about how you both feel about the changing dynamic of your relationship. If you’re both happy with the new direction it’s taking, then there’s nothing to worry about! But if either of you feels uncomfortable or unfulfilled by the shift, it’s worth exploring why that is and whether there’s anything you can do to change things back to how they were (or find a compromise that works for both of you).

My Marriage Has Become Platonic

It’s no secret that marriages can change over time. The initial passion and excitement of a new relationship can eventually give way to a more platonic partnership built on trust, companionship, and shared experiences. And while there’s nothing wrong with this type of marriage, it can be a bit of a shock for couples who are used to being head-over-heels in love.

If you’re wondering if your marriage has become platonic, here are some common signs: You no longer have regular date nights or spend one-on-one time together. Instead, most of your free time is spent with friends or family members.

You don’t share the same physical intimacy that you once did. Kisses are perfunctory and sex is infrequent or nonexistent. You don’t really talk about your hopes and dreams anymore – instead, conversation tends to revolve around work, the kids, or day-to-day logistics.

There’s no longer any “spark” in your relationship – everything feels safe, comfortable…and maybe even a little boring. Of course, every marriage is different and there’s no magic formula for determining whether yours has become platonic. But if you’re feeling like something is missing from your relationship, it might be worth exploring what’s changed (and why) so you can decide if you want to try to reignite the spark or simply accept yourmarriage for what it is today.

My Husband Treats Me Like a Friend

It’s no secret that communication is key in any relationship, but it becomes even more important when you’re married. After all, you’re not just sharing your life with your spouse, you’re sharing everything. That’s why it’s so vital to have a good relationship with your husband – and that starts with communication.

Unfortunately, though, many marriages suffer because the husband treats his wife more like a friend than a partner. This can be incredibly hurtful and frustrating for the wife, who may feel like she’s not being treated with the respect she deserves. If your husband is treating you more like a friend than a spouse, there are some things you can do to try to improve the situation.

First, sit down with him and talk about how you’re feeling. Tell him that you need more affection and attention from him, and explain what kind of treatment you expect from him as your husband. It’s important that he understands how important this is to you – otherwise he may not realize how much his behavior is affecting you.

Next, make an effort to spend more time together as a couple. This means going on dates, taking walks together, or just spending time talking about your day-to-day lives. The more connected you feel to each other, the less likely it is that he’ll treat you like a friend instead of his wife.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek counseling if your attempts at communicating with your husband aren’t working. A professional can help identify any underlying issues in your marriage that may be contributing to the problem – and they can also provide valuable guidance on how to fix them.

When Lovers Become Friends

When you’re in a romantic relationship with someone, it’s easy to imagine that the relationship will last forever. But sometimes, over time, things change. The love between you and your partner might begin to fade, and eventually, you might find yourselves as friends rather than lovers.

It’s not always an easy transition to make, but it can be a rewarding one. When you’re able to stay friends with someone you used to be in a romantic relationship with, it means that you still have a strong connection and bond with that person. You’re able to remain close despite the changes in your relationship dynamic.

There are a few things that can help make the transition from lovers to friends easier. First of all, it’s important to communicate openly with each other about what’s happening and how you’re feeling. It’s also helpful to focus on positive aspects of the friendship, such as shared interests and memories.

Finally, don’t be afraid to lean on each other for support during this time – after all, true friends will always be there for one another.

My Wife Sees Me As a Friend Not a Lover

If your wife sees you as a friend and not a lover, there are likely several reasons for this. It could be that she feels more comfortable with you as a friend than she does as a romantic partner. Alternatively, it could be that she simply isn’t attracted to you in a sexual way.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to communicate with your wife about her needs and desires. If your wife sees you as a friend, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you. It could just mean that she needs more time to feel comfortable with you in a physical way.

Try being patient and understanding with her. If possible, talk about her needs and see if there are any ways you can help make her feel more comfortable. It’s also important to remember that attraction can change over time.

Just because your wife doesn’t find you attractive now doesn’t mean she never will. If you have a good relationship otherwise, it’s worth giving things some time to see if anything changes.

My Husband Sees Me As a Friend Not a Lover

It can be difficult when you feel like your husband sees you more as a friend than a lover. You may feel like he is not attracted to you anymore or that he does not find you desirable. This can be a tough thing to deal with because it can make you feel like there is something wrong with you.

If your husband used to be more affectionate and now he seems to be pulling away, it’s important to try to figure out what might be going on. There could be many reasons why your husband might see you more as a friend than a lover. It could be that he is stressed out at work and doesn’t have the energy for intimacy when he comes home.

It could also be that he is feeling insecure about his own attractiveness and worries that you will reject him if he tries to get close. Whatever the reason, it’s important to talk to your husband about how you’re feeling and see if there is anything that can be done to improve the situation. If your relationship has become more platonic than romantic, it’s still possible to reignite the spark between you.

Make an effort to look nice for your husband and let him know that you still find him attractive. Plan special dates or nights together where you can focus on being intimate with each other. Be patient and understanding while also making it clear that you want things to change – with time and effort, things can definitely improve in your marriage!

When Marriage Becomes Friendship

Credit: ourpeacefulfamily.com

What Do You Do When Your Marriage Turns to Friendship?

When your marriage turns to friendship, you might be wondering what went wrong. It’s normal to feel like something is missing when the romance fades in a relationship. But it’s possible to reignite the spark and rekindle the love you once had.

With effort and patience, you can rebuild your marriage into something even stronger than before. Here are some things you can do when your marriage turns to friendship: 1. Talk about your feelings

It’s important to communicate with your spouse about how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling disconnected or unfulfilled, let them know. Having an open and honest conversation can help identify any areas that need improvement in your relationship.2

2. Spend time together One of the best ways to reconnect with your spouse is to spend quality time together. Plan dates, go on weekend getaways, or just spend an evening at home talking and laughing together.

Rediscovering common interests and shared activities can help bring back the spark in your relationship3 . 3. Be affectionate Physical touch is an important part of any relationship4 .

When you’re married, it’s easy to take each other for granted and forget to show affection5 . Make an effort to hug, kiss, and hold hands with your spouse every day6 . These small gestures can make a big difference in how connected you feel as a couple7 .

4. Seek counseling Sometimes marriages hit rough patches that are too difficult to overcome alone8 . If this is the case for you, consider seeking out professional counseling9 . A counselor can help identify any underlying issues in your relationship and give you tools for improving communication10 , resolving conflict11 , and rebuilding trust12 .

Can You Be Married And Just Be Friends?

It’s a question that has been asked since the beginning of time: can you be married and just be friends? The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as yes or no. Just like any other relationship, marriage takes work to maintain.

In order for a marriage to be successful, both husband and wife need to be committed to making it work. That being said, there are marriages where the couple is best friends. They may not always agree on everything, but they are able to communicate and resolve conflict in a healthy way.

These couples have a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect. They also share common interests and hobbies, which help keep the friendship alive. If you’re wondering if you can be married and just be friends, the best thing to do is ask yourself if you’re willing to put in the work required to make it work.

If you are, then there’s a good chance your marriage can blossom into something even more beautiful than you ever imagined.

What Does Friendship in Marriage Mean?

Friendship in marriage means having a best friend as your husband or wife. It’s being able to laugh and cry together, be there for each other during the good and bad times, share secrets and dreams, and build a life together. A friendship marriage is built on trust, mutual respect and communication.

It’s a partnership where both spouses feel equally valued and connected. When you’re friends with your spouse, you have someone to rely on and confide in. You can be yourselves around each other without feeling judged or misunderstood.

You know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and accept each other unconditionally. This type of friendship creates a strong foundation for a lasting marriage. If you’re not friends with your spouse yet, don’t worry!

It takes time to develop this type of relationship. Work on communicating openly with each other, spending quality time together, and sharing your thoughts and feelings honestly. With some effort, you can turn your marriage into a true friendship.

How Do You Know If Your Relationship Has Turned into a Friendship?

It’s not always easy to tell when a relationship has turned into friendship. Here are some signs that your relationship may have changed: 1. You’re spending more time together doing “friend” activities like talking, laughing, and going out to lunch or coffee.

2. You’re no longer interested in doing couple-y things together like cuddling, kissing, or sex. 3. Your conversations tend to be about everyday topics rather than deep or personal subject matter. 4. You don’t feel the same butterflies in your stomach around this person anymore – in fact, you might even feel more like a brother or sister than a romantic partner.



When a marriage becomes more like a friendship, it can be a good thing. The couple is more likely to communicate and share things with each other. They may also find that they have more in common than they thought.


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