Wedding Vs Bridal Shower

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When planning a wedding, many couples are unsure of whether to have a bridal shower or not. Both events can be fun and festive, but they serve different purposes. A bridal shower is typically given by the bride’s family or close friends and is meant to “shower” the bride with gifts to help her start her new life.

A wedding, on the other hand, is the main event where all of the guests come to celebrate the couple’s love and commitment. So, which one should you have?

A bridal shower is a party given for a bride-to-be in anticipation of her upcoming wedding. A wedding shower may be hosted by the maid of honor, bridesmaids, or close friends and family of the bride. The purpose of a bridal shower is to give the bride-to-be gifts to help her start her new life as a married woman.

A wedding, on the other hand, is the actual ceremony and reception where the marriage vows are exchanged and the marriage is officiated. A wedding is usually much larger and more formal than a bridal shower. So which one should you have?

If you’re undecided, here’s a quick rundown of the differences between weddings and bridal showers to help you make your decision: Wedding: – Bigger event with more people

– More expensive – Takes place on the day of or before the actual wedding ceremony – Gifts are typically given by guests during or after the reception

Bridal Shower: – Smaller event with fewer people -(usually) cheaper than a wedding   

(can be coed if desired)      – Can take place any time before the wedding (usually 4 – 6 weeks beforehand)   

Who Plans the Wedding Shower

One of the most common questions we get asked is “who plans the wedding shower?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. There are a few different scenarios that could play out.

In this blog post, we will go over who typically plans the wedding shower, who pays for it, and some etiquette tips to keep in mind. The Maid of Honor or Mother of the Bride traditionally throws the bride-to-be a bridal shower. If neither of these ladies are available or up for the task, another close female relative or friend can be asked to take on the role.

As for who pays for the event, it is generally split between the hostess and any other co-hostesses. However, if there is only one hostess footing the bill, she may choose to ask for contributions from guests in order to help offset costs. When it comes to etiquette, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First and foremost, make sure all potential guests have been invited to (and RSVP’d yes to) the wedding before extending an invitation to the shower. It wouldn’t be fair to exclude anyone from either event! Secondly, avoid giving gifts that are too personal in nature at showers – this is something that should be reserved for close family and friends only.

Finally, don’t forget to send thank you notes promptly after the shower wraps up – your hostess will appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Wedding Shower Vs Wedding Gift

A wedding shower is a party given for the bride-to-be by her friends, family, or co-workers. It is typically held before the wedding and is an opportunity for guests to give the bride-to-be gifts to help her start her new life. A wedding gift is a present given to the newlyweds by their guests.

It is typically given after the wedding and can be anything from household items to monetary gifts.

Wedding Shower for Bride And Groom

Wedding showers are a time-honored tradition and a wonderful way to celebrate the bride and groom’s upcoming nuptials. While they can be thrown by anyone, it’s most common for close friends or family members of the couple to host. If you’re thinking of throwing a shower for the happy couple in your life, here are some tips to make sure it’s a success!

When planning the guest list, be sure to include everyone who is important in the couple’s life. This includes not only close friends and family, but also co-workers, extended family, and even neighbors. The more the merrier!

As for the location of the shower, any place that can comfortably accommodate all of your guests will do just fine. Popular choices include someone’s home, a local restaurant or banquet hall, or even a park on a nice day. Just be sure to choose somewhere that is convenient for everyone involved.

Now onto the fun part – games! Wedding showers wouldn’t be complete without some light-hearted competition. Games like “How Well Do You Know The Bride/Groom?” or “Toilet Paper Wedding Dress” are always big hits.

Be sure to have prizes on hand for the winners (gift cards always go over well). Last but not least, don’t forget about refreshments! Whether you opt for an elegant sit-down meal or casual finger foods, make sure there is plenty for everyone to enjoy.

And of course, no wedding shower would be complete without cake – so make sure to save room!

When Do You Have a Wedding Shower

It’s tradition to have a wedding shower before the big day, but there’s no set rule on when to have one. It all comes down to timing and preference. For some couples, they prefer to have their wedding shower close to the date of their wedding so that guests can easily attend both events.

Others like to have their wedding shower a few months before the big day so that they can use some of the gifts at their engagement party or bachelor/bachelorette party. ultimately, it’s up to you and your fiancee to decide when you want to have your wedding shower. Just be sure to give yourself enough time to plan and prepare for it!

Wedding Shower Vs Bachelorette Party

When it comes to wedding-related events, there is often confusion about what the difference is between a bridal shower and a bachelorette party. Both are celebrations that are typically held before the big day, but they serve different purposes. A bridal shower is usually a more low-key affair, hosted by the bride’s close friends or family members.

The focus is on gifts and well-wishes for the upcoming marriage. A bachelorette party, on the other hand, is typically more of a wild night out (or weekend away) with the bride’s closest girlfriends. The emphasis is on fun and letting loose before the bride ties the knot.

So, which event should you attend? If you’re close to the bride and have been invited to both events, it’s really up to you! If you can only make one, though, attending the bridal shower is generally considered more of a necessity than the bachelorette party.

Can You Have a Wedding Shower And a Bridal Shower?

A bridal shower is a pre-wedding party usually hosted by the bride’s maid of honor, mother, or close friends. The purpose of a bridal shower is to give the bride-to-be gifts to help her start her new life with her husband. A wedding shower is held after the wedding and its purpose is to thank guests for their gifts and support.

So, while you can have both a bridal shower and a wedding shower, they serve different purposes and are usually held at different times.

Whats the Purpose of a Wedding Shower?

A wedding shower is a party given in honor of a bride-to-be. It is usually hosted by the maid of honor, bridesmaids, or close friends and family members. The purpose of a wedding shower is to give the bride-to-be gifts to help her start her new life with her husband.

Wedding showers are typically held 1-2 months before the wedding day. They are usually held at someone’s home, a restaurant, or a banquet hall. Guests should bring a gift for the bride that is appropriate for her new home and lifestyle.

Common gifts include kitchen items, linens, and small appliances. The guest list for a wedding shower typically includes close friends and family members of the bride and groom. If the event is being held at someone’s home, they will likely invite people who live nearby.

Out-of-town guests may be invited if they are able to attend without too much inconvenience. The host(s) of the shower will send out invitations 4-6 weeks in advance of the event date. The invitations should include all pertinent information such as date, time, location, RSVP instructions, and any other special instructions (e.g., “please bring a dish to share”).

Are Wedding Showers Still a Thing?

Wedding showers are still a thing and they can be a lot of fun! Here are some tips to make sure your shower is a success: Plan ahead: give yourself plenty of time to plan the perfect shower.

Choose a theme, send out invitations, and create a guest list. Get creative: there are so many ways to personalize your shower. Get creative with the décor, food, and activities.

Make it special: your wedding shower should be an event to remember. Make sure it’s something you and your guests will enjoy.

Can You Go to Bridal Shower But Not Wedding?

It is not considered proper etiquette to attend a bridal shower but not the wedding. If you are invited to both, it is assumed that you will attend both. If you can’t make it to the wedding, it’s best to RSVP “no” to both the shower and the wedding.


When it comes to wedding planning, there are a lot of decisions to be made. One of the first decisions is whether to have a bridal shower. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of having a bridal shower so you can decide what’s right for you.

Pros: -A bridal shower is a great way to get friends and family together before the big day. -It’s an opportunity to open gifts and get excited about your upcoming nuptials.

-A bridal shower can help ease any pre-wedding jitters you may have. Cons: -A bridal shower can be expensive, especially if you have a large guest list.

-It can be difficult to find a date that works for everyone on your guest list. -If you’re not into being the center of attention, a bridal shower may not be for you.


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