Love versus Infatuation
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Love versus Infatuation

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We read stories, watch films and listen to music. They all tell us that Love is fantastic, can conquer all, and is magical. But is it true? How does Love differ from infatuation? Let’s explore that.

The difference between being in Love and being infatuated might seem simple. Yet, we have all been in Love with somebody who later became someone we need to break up with.

Infatuation is just a feeling which is why we have seen people who have been friends for years suddenly falling in Love. Infatuation is not a destructive emotion, but it is not real Love. This blog will differentiate the two.

Love versus Infatuation

What is Love?

Love is something you feel for someone else and is often described as a strong affection. It is said that Love is blind, meaning you may not be able to see all the flaws in the person you love. Love is often described as a verb, an action, rather than a feeling. You can “express” someone you love through your activities, such as cooking, doing something special for them, or simply spending time with them.

Love requires both positive and negative aspects, such as patience and sacrifice. You may need to be patient with the person you love, especially if they’re having a tough time. You may also need to make sacrifices for the person you love, such as giving up your time or putting their needs before yours.

What is infatuation?

Infatuation is a state of intense and passionate Lover. It is often short-lived and is not based on true Love or a deep understanding of the other person. Infatuation can lead to feelings of obsession, possessiveness, and jealousy. It can also cause people to do things they would not normally do, such as give up their job or spend all their money on the object of their infatuation.

What happens when you fall in Love?

When you fall in Love, you may feel like you’re on top of the world. You may feel happy, giddy, and excited all the time. You may also feel that you’re walking on air. You may think about your loved ones all the time and want to be with them all the time. You may also feel like you can’t live without them.

How to save yourself from infatuation?

Here is the thing you should consider to save yourself from infatuation;

  • Recognizing the early signs of passion and nipping it in the bud before it has a chance to take hold
  • Being honest in a relationship and not settling for less.
  • Maintaining healthy self-esteem and not allowing oneself to be consumed by the object of one’s infatuation; communicating openly and honestly with the object of one’s desire, setting clear boundaries, and being assertive about one’s needs and wants.

Signs of Love versus signs of infatuation

While there is a difference between infatuation and Love in dating, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference. To help you figure out your feelings, we’ve created this blog to address the differences between these two emotional states.

Difference between infatuation and Love

Infatuation and Love are intense feelings that can cause people to behave in ways they wouldn’t normally. However, there is a difference between both emotions. Love is a deep, lasting emotion often accompanied by intense feelings of commitment, affection, and intimacy. Infatuation, on the other hand, is a more superficial emotion that is usually based on physical attraction and often fades quickly.

Infatuation versus love similarities

At first glance, infatuation and Love may seem similar, but there are some critical differences between the two emotions. For one, infatuation is typically more surface-level than Love. When you’re fascinated with someone, you may focus more on their physical appearance or superficial traits rather than their inner qualities. Love, on the other hand, is usually more deep-rooted and long-lasting. It’s also generally more mutual than infatuation; when you’re in Love with someone, they typically love you back.

So while infatuation can be fun and exciting, it’s important to remember that it’s not the same as true Love. If you’re looking for a lasting relationship, waiting for Love rather than settling for infatuation is better.

Turning infatuation into Love

There’s no denying the fact that infatuation is intoxicating. The rush of butterflies, the constant daydreaming, the giddy anticipation of seeing your crush… it’s all part of the initial stages of a relationship, and it can be thrilling. But infatuation is not the same as Love. It’s important to remember that passion is usually based on physical attraction and superficial qualities, whereas Love is built on a stronger foundation of trust, respect, and intimacy.

If you want to turn your infatuation into lasting Love, getting to know your partner on a deeper level is essential. Spend time together, have open and honest conversations, and be patient as you grow and change together. With effort, you can develop a strong, lasting love based on more than just physical attraction.


Love and infatuation have a lot of things in common, but it’s important to note the subtle differences. The fundamental difference between Love and infatuation is that infatuation is a feeling, While Love is a verb, and that’s all.

Love Vs. Infatuation on YouTube –

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